Overseas British passport applications

How long it takes

You can expect to receive your passport within 4 weeks, unless we require further information from you, or to invite you for an identity interview.

The 4 weeks starts from the date we receive the initial documents requested at the time of your application.

If we need any additional details from you or to invite you for an identity interview, we’ll tell you within 4 weeks.

Don’t book any travel until you have a valid passport. If you need to travel more urgently, you may be able to apply for an Emergency Travel Document.


You’ll have to pay a fee for your passport and a courier fee of £23.01.

The courier fee pays for your passport to be sent securely to the UK Visa Application Centre where you applied for you to collect.

Passport type Passport fee Cost with courier fee
Adult standard 34-page passport £112.50 £135.51
Adult frequent traveller 54-page passport £124.50 £147.51

Fill in a ‘Paying by credit card or debit card’ form for each passport you’re applying for and submit it with your application. Your credit or debit card will be charged in sterling.

You can use Mastercard, Visa, Electron, Diners Club and JCB.

How to apply

  • Download the application form.
  • Use the ‘Applying for a passport if you’re outside the UK’ guidance notes to help you fill in the application form.
  • Include 2 identical new photos of you (or your child, if it’s a child passport application). Follow the rules about passport photos or your application may be delayed.
  • Check the guidance notes to find out which supporting documents you must send with your application. You must get documents that aren’t in English - including documents showing an address - fully translated by a professional translator.
Warning You must include all your supporting documents with your application.

Making your application

You must apply in person. If you’re unable to, someone else can go on your behalf. You must bring photo ID with you.

Bring original supporting documents and a colour photocopy of each one. The original documents will be returned to you.

You must book an appointment online to apply in person.

Getting your passport

Your passport will be delivered to the UK Visa Application Centre where you applied.

They will contact you - using the details on your application form - when your passport is ready to collect.

You must collect in person. If you’re unable to, someone else can go on your behalf.

You must bring photo ID.

You must sign your new passport before you can use it.

Contact the Passport Adviceline

Telephone: +44 (0) 300 222 0000
Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm (UK time)
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, 9am to 5:30pm (UK time)

Find out about call charges